Harman, MaryChristie, Maria ElisaBagares, Isidra2016-04-192016-04-1920125969_Gendered_Knowledge_of_Conservation_Agric.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/70028This is a presentation of fieldwork methodologies conducted in a smallholder farming community in the Philippines. It reviews the mixed method approach including participatory and geospatial methods to explore gender differences in farmer's soil knowledge, access to resources, and agricultural practices. The purpose of this research is to identify gender-based constraints and opportunities that are relevant to conservation agriculture production systems.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLocal knowledgeConservation agricultureSoil managementGISGenderParticipatory methodsFarm/Enterprise ScaleA mixed methods approach to studying gender and conservation agriculture in the PhilippinesPresentation