Kania, RobertGusukuma, Luke2012-05-022012-05-022012-05-02http://hdl.handle.net/10919/18662DLA Library Audio Collection Midterm Update.pptx Instructions for HTTP Live Streaming Final.pdf M4H01715.MP4 Secure Streaming Solution for VT Library.pptxThe main purpose of this project was to find a secure streaming solution for audio files within the VT Library, specifically regarding the recital collection audio files that were donated by the Department of Music. Within the context of this project, the definition of secure streaming is a method of online streaming that ensures that copyrighted audio files are streamed while respecting copyright law. The practical application of solving this problem has partially to do with advancement in mobile and internet technology as well as copyright issues (as stated above). In regards to mobile technology, many mobile devices currently being used are able to stream internet content such as audio and video, provided that the content is streamed efficiently. With regards to the internet technology, there has been increasing push towards using HTML5. Also with regards to internet technology, there has been a push for going away from Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) due to internet security issues. After researching several methods that are used for streaming media content on the web, including things such as URL hashing, Kaltura, a Linux implementation of HTTP Live Streaming, etc, we decided to use Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming. Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming, which favors Apple products over other products, is both a practical and easy to implement solution for the library staff. In this document, we will go over three main points. The first point is the implementation of HTTP Live Streaming which includes the use of HTTP Live Streaming with regards to client side use, server side use, and the installation utility software. The second point is our procedure and project timeline. The third point will be the main problems that we confronted regarding both inherent issues (such as copyright issues, efficiency, etc) as well as implementation and research issues (such as system requirements and false leads in research).en-USIn CopyrightLibraryHTTP Live StreamingSecure StreamingLibrary Projects - Secure StreamingSoftware