Babii, Volodymyr2017-01-272017-01-272017-01-26vt_gsexam:9529 the beginning of my research I focused on transformations of the urban leftover and void space found in between buildings, street networks, parks or other institutionalized public spaces into urban places of character. By studying the spatial qualities of different places and their relation to human activities in those places I came up with the main question of my thesis: Can a space be designed loose and/or can it be loosened by design? The concept of “heterotopia”, as described by Michel Foucault in his essay “Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias”, is a place functioning in nonhegemonic conditions, the place of “otherness” that has more layers of meaning than meet the eye. That concept proved to be the best description and the bounding frame of the design part of my research.ETDIn CopyrightHeterotopiaLoose SpaceEdge CitySuperstructureLayeringElevated CityHeterotopia: Loose Space For an Edge CityThesis