Miller, Lakshmi Madhavan2023-07-122023-07-122023-07-11vt_gsexam:37607 developments in autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) have created the need for a low cost AUV that is comparable in class and payload capabilities to existing, commercially available, expensive and sub-optimal crafts. The Navy is active in research of autonomous, unmanned, highly efficient, high speed underwater craft. Small, low cost AUVs capable of swarm control are of special interest for military mine applications. No matter the nature of the application or class of craft, a common challenge is the accuracy of maneuvering predic- tions. Maneuvering predictions not only affect design, but also the real time understanding of mission capabilities and endurance. Thus the proliferation of AUVs in recent times for commercial and defense applications have led to the need of higher fidelity of physics based lumped parameter models. The sensor data, along with maneuvering model data can tie into a more accurate trajectory. Multiple such incremental advances in the literature for prediction of maneuvering shall lead to a more accuracy. This work hopes to bridge some important gaps that ensure the creation of such a non-linear LPM to predict the maneuver- ing characteristics of an AUV using non linear hydrodynamic derivatives obtained through static and dynamic CFD. This model shall be implemented for the craft designed for DIVE technologies, our industrial sponsor and an in-house craft, the 690. This model shall also be made generalized for most submerged craft with a torpedo or slender hull form, with cruciform or X configuration of fins. This dissertation looks to provide the framework to identify CFD informed high fidelity dynamic model for AUVs. The model thus created shall be spe- cialized to account for specific important effects such as flow interaction among appendages, effect of using steady and unsteady maneuvers as CFD information and kinematic charac- teristics of captive maneuvers. The specific, innovative contributions in this dissertation are listed below: 1. Definition of a new stability index to incorporate effects of gravity at low-moderate speeds 2. Novel method for identification of hydrodynamic derivatives 3. Systematic and comprehensive study on the parameters affecting VPMMETDenIn CopyrightAUVManeuveringHydrodynamicsOceanMarineUnderwater vehiclesautonomyVPMMLPMplanar motionaerodynamicsCFD-informed Lumped Parameter Models Result In High-Fidelity Maneuvering Predictions of AUVsDissertation