Fawcett, Randall T.Afsari, KereshmehAmes, Aaron D.Hamed, Kaveh Akbari2023-01-302023-01-302022-07-012377-3766http://hdl.handle.net/10919/113572This work investigates a data-driven template model for trajectory planning of dynamic quadrupedal robots. Many state-of-the-art approaches involve using a reduced-order model, primarily due to computational tractability. The spirit of the trajectory planning approach in this work draws on recent advancements in the area of behavioral systems theory. Here, we aim to capitalize on the knowledge of well-known template models to construct a data-driven model, enabling us to obtain an information rich reduced-order model. In particular, this work considers input-output states similar to that of the single rigid body model and proceeds to develop a data-driven representation of the system, which is then used in a predictive control framework to plan a trajectory for quadrupeds. The optimal trajectory is passed to a low-level and nonlinear model-based controller to be tracked. Preliminary experimental results are provided to establish the efficacy of this hierarchical control approach for trotting and walking gaits of a high-dimensional quadrupedal robot on unknown terrains and in the presence of disturbances.Pages 7636-7643application/pdfenIn CopyrightRoboticsToward a Data-Driven Template Model for Quadrupedal LocomotionArticle - Refereed2023-01-30IEEE Robotics and Automation Lettershttps://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2022.318400773Akbari Hamed, Kaveh [0000-0001-9597-1691]2377-3766