Aguilera, Javier2016-04-192016-04-192007Presented at the PROINPA annual meeting, Cochabamba, Bolivia, August 20072902_SANREM_Reunion_Anual_Altiplano_2005_06.ppt presentation about the SANREM-CRSP LTR4 project in the Bolivian Highlands "Adapting to change in high altitudes: Practices and strategies to face climate and market risks in vulnerable agro-ecosystems". This presentation describes the different aspects of this research project. It includes the sponsoring and beneficiary institutions, and also discusses the objectives and characteristics of the project.application/ CopyrightMarketsVulnerability and riskAdapting to changeHigh altitudesClimate risksMarket risksVulnerable agro-ecosystemsAdaptandose al cambioZonas de alturaRiesgos climaticosRiesgos de mercadoAgroecosistemas vulnerablesEcosystemAdaptacion al cambio en zonas de altura: Prácticas e estrategias para afrontar riesgos de clima y de mercado en agro-ecosistemas vulnerablesAdapting to change in high altitudes: Practices and strategies to face climate and market risks in vulnerable agro-ecosystemsPresentation