Noirot, Corinne2014-02-212014-02-212014-02-21 Noirot, former fellow of the École Normale Supérieure, is a just-tenured Associate Professor of French at Virginia Tech. Author of “Entre deux airs”: style simple et ethos poétique chez Clément Marot et Joachim Du Bellay [2011] (Paris: Hermann éditeurs, 2013), she also co-edited the scholarly collection “Revelations of Character.” Ethos and Moral Philosophy in Montaigne (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007). Other publications include articles on verse by Marot, Peletier, Du Bellay, Ronsard, La Taille, Vian, and Goudezki; and prose works by Rabelais, Montaigne, and Bégaudeau. She is currently analyzing the complete works Jean de la Taille, a French soldier-poet of the late sixteenth-century, from the perspective of drama as an active principle in his puzzling yet coherent œ CopyrightVisible scholarship initiativeEntre Deux AirsPresentationVirginia Tech. University Libraries