Elliott, Jean2015-10-292015-10-292008-02-11http://hdl.handle.net/10919/61670The destruction of Appalachia through mountain top removal continues to be a heated topic. The film documentary <cite>Sludge</cite> reveals in stark detail the coal slurry damage in Martin County, Kentucky, in October 2000 that destroyed over 100 miles of stream and hundreds of homes. A break in the slurry pond dam caused massive environmental destruction by dumping 306 millions gallons of coal sludge down two tributaries of the Tug Fork River. The film, which will be moderated by Jack Spadaro, former Superintendent of the National Mine Safety and Health Academy, will be shown on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m, in Torgersen 3100 on the Virginia Tech campus. This event is free and open to the public.text/htmlIn CopyrightCollege of Liberal Arts and Human SciencesAppalachian Studies sponsors free screening of Sludge, moderated by Jack SpadaroPress releaseVirginia Tech. University Relations