Wagnecz, Linda2014-03-142014-03-141987etd-07212010-020200http://hdl.handle.net/10919/43831The behavior of 8-harness satin woven Celion 3000/PMR-15 graphite-polyimide was experimentally investigated. Unnotched and center-notched specimens from (0)₁₅, (0)₂₂, and (0,45,0, - 45,0,0, - 45,0,45,0)₂ laminates were tested. Material properties were measured and damage development documented under monotonic tension, sustained incremental tension, and tension-tension fatigue loading. Damage evaluation techniques included stiffness monitoring, penetrant-enhanced X-ray radiography, laminate deply, and residual strength measurement. Material properties of the woven graphite-polyimide were comparable to those of woven graphite-epoxy. Damage development in woven graphite-polyimide was quite different than in non-woven graphite-epoxy. Matrix cracking was denser and delamination less extensive in the graphite-polyimide material system, and as a result, increases in notched residual tensile strength were much lower. A ply level failure theory was used to successfully predict the notched tensile strength of the (0,45,0, - 45,0,0, - 45,0,45,0)₂ laminate based on experimental data from the (0)₂₂ laminate. A simple method was used to simulate fatigue damage in a (0)₂₂ notched specimen to predict residual strength as a function of fatigue life. The advantages and disadvantages of the ply level failure theory used in this study are discussed.xi, 154 leavesBTDapplication/pdfIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1987.W335Composite materialsGas-turbines -- BladesGraphitePolyimidesMechanical behavior and damage mechanisms of woven graphite-polyimide composite materialsThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-07212010-020200/