Woodbury, Keith Auburn2017-03-102017-03-101984http://hdl.handle.net/10919/76081An experimental investigation was carried out to determine the feasibility of using thermal conductivity measurements to detect moisture concentrations in a highly porous glass fiber insulation. A new technique employing thermistor probes was used to measure thermal conductivity over a range of low moisture contents. The results indicate that the material's thermal conductivity is a strong nonlinear function of the moisture concentration. The sensitivity of the moisture content to thermal conductivity is greatest for moisture contents less than 25 per cent for the material tested. A numerical procedure for predicting the temperature and moisture distributions in a highly porous material is detailed.x, 103 leavesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLD5655.V856 1984.W665Insulating materials -- Moisture -- MeasurementHeat -- Conduction -- Mathematical modelsAn experimental and analytical investigation of liquid moisture distribution in roof insulating systemsDissertation