Bertelsen, Michael2016-04-192016-04-192000317_cultivating.pdf West Africa's (SANREM WA) collaborative research support program seeks to improve natural resource and conflict management practices in agro-pastoral systems in West Africa s arid andapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightSemiarid zonesConflict resolutionArid zonesModelingEmpowermentLivestock managementDecentralizationCommunity participationNatural resource managementAgricultureAgropastoral systemsNatural Resource Management Advisory Committee (NRMAC)Holistic managementCommunity-based understandingEcosystem Farm/Enterprise ScaleHolistic management in West Africa: A new approach to community-based natural resource management decision making and institutional development at the decentralized commune levelBookCopyright 2000 by the SANREM CRSP All rights reserved