Skripak, Stephen J.Cortez, Anastasiade Pena, JonathanLipscombe, MaryArtiles, Mayra S.Roberson-Evia, JanePotter, Peter J.Walz, Anita R.2017-04-122017-04-122017–03-282017-03-28 Tech faculty members discuss their experiences as adopters, adapters, and authors of open educational resources. The panel explores use and creation of open textbooks and online course materials and systems, including OpenStax Concepts of Biology, Fundamentals of Business, and Carnegie Online Learning Initiative. Student perspectives are also included. Panelists include: Stephen Skripak, Anastasia Cortez, Jonathan de Pena, Mary Lipscombe, Mayra Artiles, Jane Roberson-Evia, Peter Potter. Moderator: Anita WalzDimensions: 853 x 480Duration: 53:42Size: 538 MBvideo/mp4video/webmimage/jpegapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightOpen Educational ResourcesTextbooksLearning ObjectsOpen Education Week 2017 Panel Discussion: The Potential of Open Educational ResourcesPresentationVirginia Tech