Bellah, KimberlyRobinson, J. ShaneKaufman, Eric K.Akers, CindyHaase-Wittler, PennyMartindale, Lynn2021-07-232021-07-232008-06-01 purpose of this study was to synthesize research as it relates to brain-based learning and its relevance to the agricultural education profession. Through a comprehensive literature review, brainbased studies were analyzed to create a historical timeline of the discipline, investigate teaching principles, articulate relevance, and identify potential future implications for agricultural education. The holistic approach to learning in agricultural education programs presents a ripe environment for action research with brain-based learning practices. Professional development with agricultural educators may be needed to further encourage and support comprehensive studies that investigate the precepts of brain-based learning.Pages 15-22application/pdfenIn CopyrightBrain-based learningResearchBrain-based learning: A synthesis of researchArticle - Refereed2021-07-23NACTA Journal522Kaufman, Eric [0000-0001-8009-0066]