Coartney, Jama S.Kaufman, Eric K.2022-10-172022-10-172022-10-14 the global workforce changes, we approach a potential crisis in providing educational resources to prepare students for the future. Increasingly, employers need a workforce that effectively engages in collaborative leadership. Educational opportunities, such as community colleges and technical schools, need to build workforce readiness into the curriculum. Thoughtful inclusion of collaborative leadership learning experiences and investing in durable skills and durable networks may help to address the gap. Leadership-as- Practice Development (LAPD) may offer insight into how to prepare future generations of leaders on how to nimbly adjust to crises in an increasingly digital and disconnected world.application/pdfenIn CopyrightEnvisioning a Future Workforce: Developing Durable Skills and Networks for Collaborative LeadershipConference proceeding2022-10-16Kaufman, Eric [0000-0001-8009-0066]