Virginia Tech Transportation InstituteEspié, StéphaneAupetit, SamuelDelgehier, FlavienBouaziz, Samir2015-07-012015-07-012014-08-27Espié, S., Aupetit, S., Delgehier, F., & Bouaziz, S. (2014, August). Why Conducting In-Depth Naturalistic Riding Study?... Examples from Rider Trainees and Novices in France. Paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, Blacksburg, VA. Presentation retrieved from CopyrightMotorcyclesNovice teen drivingVideosInterviewsRisky drivingWhy Conducting In-Depth Naturalistic Riding Study?... Examples from Rider Trainees and Novices in FrancePresentation