Lehmann, J.Hobbs, P.COMACOGatere, Lydiah2016-04-192016-04-1920072598_Zambia_CF_poster.ppthttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/67070Conservation Farming (CF) refers to a number of practices that in combination conserve soil, moisture, fertilizer (organic & synthetic), seeds, energy, time and money. The technique: protects soil from damaging effect of rain splash; reduce run-off & keep more rain in field i.e. rain harvesting; make best use of fertilizer and seeds; allow farmer to finish land preparation well before the rains come so they are ready on time.application/vnd.ms-powerpointen-USIn CopyrightSoil erosionSoil conservationFarming systemsConservationLand use managementConservation farmingFarmingHand-hoeFarm/Enterprise ScaleConservation farming steps for hand-hoe farmersPoster