Brunner, KevinSpillane, Evan2015-05-232015-05-232015-05-14 final video can be viewed at technical document covers the contemplative practices interview project. This project is a part of the CS 4624 Multimedia, Hypertext, and Information Access capstone course at Virginia Tech. This report aims to describe our requirements, design, outcomes, implementation, prototype, solution refinement phases, testing and evaluation, deliverables, plan, and more. The goal of this project is to raise the visibility of contemplative practices on campus and provide support for developing proposals for contemplative practices. We aim to achieve this goal through a composite video collection containing interviews with various individuals around campus about their contemplative practice and its impact on their lives. The majority of this report was written in increments over the semester as a check-in and documentation every few weeks between the team, course advisor, and client. Therefore, sections one through seven are written from a perspective while still working on earlier stages of the project between January and April 2015. The user’s manual contains sections one and two. The developer’s manual consists of section three. The lessons learned portion is contained in sections four through seven and the final presentation PowerPoint. The acknowledgements are contained at the end before the references. When the project was all finished, we found students had experience in many different disciplines. We met a lot of great people and conduct our interviews to get some excellent footage. Generally, students feel more relaxed and stress-free after practicing. There are endless benefits for their quality of life. Students highly recommended that other students try out a contemplative practice. Performance in the classroom is even helped through practicing. Once we were done filming, we put together an intriguing composite video uploaded to YouTube for the public to view the final product. Some of the problems faced and lessons learned include: finding interviewees, convincing random students that it was worth their spare time to help with our project for free, coordinating our schedules with interviewee’s schedules, equipment availability, originally learning to use the equipment, originally learning to edit the footage, asking the “right” questions that provide us with the information the client is looking for in the final video, making the interviewees feel comfortable enough to open up on camera, creating a memorable storyboard, editing the video so that it actually captures the attention of viewers, rather than boring them with an interview. This journey is chronicled below. As a developer, to continue this project, you should contact the client. Future developers can film their own footage and interviews and then edit their own videos to continue the goals of the project. It will be added to the YouTube collection with past year’s videos.en-USIn CopyrightvideoYouTubecontemplative practicesstudent interviewsContemplative Practices InterviewsPresentation