Carpenter, CamdenGarrity, SierraWells, JordanJanowsky, Sandrine2021-02-042021-02-042020-12-09 project researches the connections between livability aspects, such as socioeconomic status, pollution, and negative health outcomes, found within communities surrounding municipal waste management sites. Baltimore City, Maryland is the scalable example. The three sites included in the research are the BRESCO Wheelabrator Baltimore Waste-to-Energy Facility, the Quarantine Road Landfill, and the Curtis Bay Energy Facility. The final deliverable serves as a resource for community leaders and residents. The original website is attached as a web archive file that can be viewed using a tool like Webrecorder Player.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalmunicipal wastecommunity healthMunicipal Waste Sites in Baltimore, MD - A Case StudyLearning object