Pannabecker, Virginia2024-11-052024-11-052024-06-11 me for this 45-minute discussion-based review of institutional policies created by libraries or their larger institutions on the use of Gen AI in teaching, learning, and research. During the first 15 minutes, I will share a selection of policies from 5-10 institutions, highlighting examples of commonalities and key differences, including how each policy addresses ethical aspects of using AI in the institution's context. The second 15 minutes will be breakout small group discussions of the example policies, policies participants are aware of or use at their own institutions or at institutions they’re curious about; and each group will have an online space to jot down notes and add links to policies or resources they discuss. The last 15 minutes will include a 1-2 minute report back from each group about useful aspects they found in the example policies or other policies discussed in their group, questions or concerns about policies discussed, examples of applying such policies at their institutions, examples of how to stay up to date with changes in Gen AI usage and make nimble adjustments to policies, or recommendations and comments for Gen AI policies going forward. We’ll conclude with a wrap up and links to the shared discussion documents for reference.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalPrompting Best Practices: How Are Libraries or Their Home Institutions Creating, Sharing, Applying, and Adapting GenAI Policies?Conference proceedingPannabecker, Virginia [0000-0001-8661-2320]