Espinosa, Lorelle L.Gaertner, Matthew N.2018-07-162018-07-162015-08-01 US Supreme Court’s June 2015 decision to re-hear Fisher vs. University of Texas at Austin has prompted anxious speculation and genuine concern in the higher education community. While no one knows how the court will rule in “Fisher II,” it seems clear opponents of race-conscious admission will have at least one more opportunity to limit the role of race in college admission decisions. Moreover, independent of the Fisher case, eight states have enacted outright bans on race-conscious admission. In this report, the authors argue the significance to advance in access and diversity in a shifting legal landscape.application/pdfen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalUniversities and colleges--Admissiondiversity in higher educationaffirmative action programsdiscrimination in higher educationA Dream Undone? Advancing Access and Diversity in a Shifting Legal LandscapeReport