Hewett, J. L.Takeuchi, TatsuThomas, S. D.Barklow, T. L.Dawson, S.Haber, H. E.Siegrist, J. L.2018-02-192018-02-191996978-981-02-2631-2http://hdl.handle.net/10919/82168We summarize the indirect effects of new physics in a variety of processes. We consider precision electroweak measurements, the g−2 of the muon, rare decays, meson mixing, CP violation, lepton number violating interactions, double beta decay, and the electric dipole moments of atoms, molecules, and the neutron. We include discussions of both model independent and dependent analyses where applicable.12 chapter(s)In CopyrightIndirect probes of new physicsBook chapter16Takeuchi, T [0000-0002-3594-5149]