Paige, FrederickWeiss, Jasmine2021-04-082021-04-082021 Hip Hop Studies at Virginia Tech has a heavy focus on community-based learning, we make sure to support our communities’ interest in Hip Hop, and facilitate spaces where people can recognize Hip Hop as a scholarly practice. We have a variety of programs we offer including a monthly seminar, weekly studio hours, media literacy workshops, and live DJ mixes. COVID-19 emerged across the United States around March 2020 and directly impacted everyone's life in various ways. VTDITC programing has had to adjust because of our country’s new norms.Pages 33-385 page(s)application/pdfenIn Copyright (InC)VTDITC: Hip Hop Studies at Virginia Tech and COVID-19Article2021-04-08Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research11Special Issue: Service Learning and Community-Based Research in a Time of DisruptionPaige, Frederick [0000-0002-3380-6444]