Abraham, Judson CharlesLaney, JordanSzczurek, Anthony2021-08-272021-08-272016-12-03Abraham, J., 2016. Marcuse, Foucault, and The Purge: Film Review. Spectra, 5(2). DOI: http://doi.org/10.21061/spectra.v5i2.374http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104841James DeMonaco’s 2013 horror film The Purge, which imagines a near-future America in which a fascist government declares all crime (including murder) legal for one night a year, received generally bad reviews. Most reviewers overlooked how the film speaks to the relationship between desire and power in modern civilization...34 KBapplication/htmlenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalMarcuse, Foucault, and The Purge: Film ReviewArticle - RefereedAbraham, JudsonVirginia TechSpectrahttp://doi.org/10.21061/spectra.v5i2.374522162-8793