Morris, Brian C.Bolding, M. ChadAust, W. MichaelMcGuire, Kevin J.Schilling, Erik B.Sullivan, Jay2017-07-202017-07-202016-03-10Morris, B.C.; Bolding, M.C.; Aust, W.M.; McGuire, K.J.; Schilling, E.B.; Sullivan, J. Differing Levels of Forestry Best Management Practices at Stream Crossing Structures Affect Sediment Delivery and Installation Costs. Water 2016, 8, 92. best management practices (BMPs) are used to reduce sedimentation from forest streamcrossings. Three BMP treatments (BMP, BMP-std, and BMP+) were applied to three forest road stream crossings (bridge, culvert, and ford). BMP did not meet existing BMP guidelines, BMP-std met standard recommendations, and BMP+ treatments exceeded recommendations. Following BMP applications, three simulated rainfall intensities (low, medium, and high) were applied in order to evaluate sediment delivery from crossing type and BMP level. During rainfall simulation, sediment concentrations (mg/L) were collected with automated samplers and discharge (L/s) was estimated to calculate total sediment loading. Costs of stream crossings and BMP levels were also quantified. Mean sediment associated with the three stream crossings were 3.38, 1.87, and 0.64 Mg for the BMP, BMP-std, and BMP+ levels, respectively. Ford, culvert, and bridge crossings produced 13.04, 12.95, and 0.17 Mg of sediment during construction, respectively. BMP enhancement was more critical for sediment control at the culvert and ford crossings than at the bridge. Respective costs for BMP , BMP-std, and BMP+ levels were $5,368, $5,658, and $5,858 for the bridge; $3,568, $4,166 and $4,595 for the culvert; and $180, $420 and $1,903 for the ford. Costs and sediment values suggest that current standard BMP levels effectively reduce stream sediment while minimizing costs.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalforest roadsWater qualityforest operationserosionrainfall simulationDiffering Levels of Forestry Best Management Practices at Stream Crossing Structures Affect Sediment Delivery and Installation CostsArticle - RefereedWater, Kevin J. [0000-0001-5751-3956]