Zhang, JiaqiYue, Pengtao2022-12-212022-12-212020-10-010021-9991http://hdl.handle.net/10919/112972We develop a level-set method in the finite-element framework. The contact line singularity is removed by the slip boundary condition proposed by Ren and E (2007) [6], which has two friction coefficients: βN that controls the slip between the bulk fluids and the solid wall and βCL that controls the deviation of the microscopic dynamic contact angle from the static one. The predicted contact line dynamics from our method matches the Cox theory very well. We further find that the same slip length in the Cox theory can be reproduced by different combinations of (βN,βCL), based on which we come up with a computational strategy for mesh-independent results that can match the experiments. There is no need to impose the contact angle condition geometrically, and the dynamic contact angle automatically emerges as part of the numerical solution. With a little modification, our method can also be used to compute contact angle hysteresis, where the tendency of contact line motion is readily available from the level-set function. Different test cases, including code validation and mesh-convergence study, are provided to demonstrate the efficiency and capability of our method.22 page(s)application/pdfenIn CopyrightContact angle hysteresisContact line pinningSlip lengthDrop spreadingGNBCContact line frictionFINITE-ELEMENT-METHODBOUNDARY-CONDITIONNUMERICAL SIMULATIONSMULTIPHASE FLOWSLIQUID-DROPSGAS BUBBLEINTERFACEDYNAMICSMODELSURFACEA level-set method for moving contact lines with contact angle hysteresisArticle - Refereed2022-12-21Journal of Computational Physicshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109636418Yue, Pengtao [0000-0001-8343-846X]1090-2716