Travis, Alexander J.2016-04-192016-04-192008Presented at the SANREM CRSP 2008 Annual Meeting, Los BaƱos, Philippines, 26-29 May 20083514_Travis2008_LTRA2.ppt presentation discusses the SANREM CRSP long term research activity (LTRA-2), "An Agricultural Markets Model for Biodiversity Conservation," in the Luangwa Valley of Zambia. The objectives are:application/ CopyrightGoatsIncome generationAgricultureEnterprise developmentFood securitySurvey research methodsBiodiversity conservationCommunity markets for conservation (comaco)ZambiaFood aidValue-added food productsPeanut butterSurveysHipposEcosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale WatershedAn agricultural model for biodiversity conservationPresentation