Fontana, MarcoGiorgi, GiuseppeAccardi, MassimilianoGiorcelli, ErmannoBrizzolara, StefanoSirigu, Sergej Antonello2024-02-012024-02-012023-12-11Fontana, M.; Giorgi, G.; Accardi, M.; Giorcelli, E.; Brizzolara, S.; Sirigu, S.A. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamics of a U-Shaped Sloshing Tank to Increase the Performance of Wave Energy Converters. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 2339. this investigation, a comprehensive study was conducted on a U-shaped sloshing tank, based on reversing the classical treatment of such devices as motion stabilizers and using them instead to improve the performance of wave energy converters. The modeling encompasses a comparative analysis between a linear model and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The validation of the CFD methodology was rigorously executed via a series of experimental tests, subsequently enhancing the linear model. The refined linear model demonstrates a notable alignment with rigorously verified results, thus establishing itself as a reliable tool for advanced research, indicating promise for various applications. Furthermore, this novelty is addressed by simulating the integration of a U-tank device with a pitch-based wave energy converter, displaying a broadening of the operational bandwidth and a substantial performance improvement, raising the pitch motion of the floater to about 850% in correspondence with the new secondary peak over extended periods, effectively addressing previously identified limitations. This achievement contributes to the system’s practical relevance in marine energy conversion.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalsloshing tankwave energydynamicsnumerical modelingCFDexperimental validationNumerical and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamics of a U-Shaped Sloshing Tank to Increase the Performance of Wave Energy ConvertersArticle - Refereed2023-12-22Journal of Marine Science and Engineering