Kaufman, Eric K.Guthrie, KathyJenkins, Dan2020-09-072020-09-072020-06-021648020461978-1648020469http://hdl.handle.net/10919/99915The purpose of the case study development assignment is to produce verification of students’ ability to analyze and synthesize multiple concepts of leadership in real world contexts. In addition, the assignment offers students experience in applying shared leadership in a small group setting. This assignment is a culminating course experience that has the potential to align with a variety of the learning objectives. Beyond satisfaction, research on student case writing reveals relationships with improved final exam and course grades (EscartĂn et al., 2015).Pages 29-30application/pdfenIn CopyrightCracking the Case: Learning Through Student-Written Teaching Case StudiesBook chapter2020-09-07Kaufman, Eric [0000-0001-8009-0066]