Flood, Caleb Russell2022-11-242022-11-242021-06-01vt_gsexam:30607http://hdl.handle.net/10919/112689The process of decomposition can be used as a method for disrupting the knowing subject, thus creating space for the awareness of unnoticed ideologies and beliefs. The body of work presented in this thesis intends to point towards, symbolically represent, and alchemically initiate a process of dissolution. It arises from an intention to negotiate psychospiritual suffering, by transmuting impulses of self destruction and violence into ceremonial and ritual processes. This work incorporates various methods into its scope, including video, performance, sculpture, painting, and gardening.ETDIn CopyrightDesubjectificationprocessdecompositionswampcreative technologiesannihilationritualpeaceDesubjectification and Ritual ProcessThesis