Feng, Shumin2019-01-282019-01-282018http://hdl.handle.net/10919/87059Obstacle avoidance is one of the core problems in the field of autonomous navigation. An obstacle avoidance approach is developed for the navigation task of a reconfigurable multi-robot system named STORM, which stands for Self-configurable and Transformable Omni-Directional Robotic Modules. Various mathematical models have been developed in previous work in this field to avoid collision for such robots. In this work, the proposed collision avoidance algorithm is trained via Deep Reinforcement Learning, which enables the robot to learn by itself from its experiences, and then fit a mathematical model by updating the parameters of a neural network. The trained neural network architecture is capable of choosing an action directly based on the input sensor data using the trained neural network architecture. A virtual STORM locomotion module was trained to explore a Gazebo simulation environment without collision, using the proposed collision avoidance strategies based on DRL. The mathematical model of the avoidance algorithm was derived from the simulation and then applied to the prototype of the locomotion module and validated via experiments. Universal software architecture was also designed for the STORM modules. The software architecture has extensible and reusable features that improve the design efficiency and enable parallel development.ETDen-USIn CopyrightRobotic SystemsNeural NetworksObstacle AvoidanceDeep Reinforcement LearningMobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance based on Deep Reinforcement LearningThesis