Lynn, Drake Havelock2024-07-172024-07-172024-07-16vt_gsexam:41091 wetlands may provide numerous ecosystem services, including water quality protection, food and fiber supply, wildlife habitat, and carbon sequestration. In recent years, riparian forests have received increased attention and funding for riparian forest restoration projects. Unfortunately, failures of riparian restoration efforts are likely due to mortality of planted trees. Tree mortality is commonly attributable to several factors, including selection of species that are not well suited to the wetland sites, inadequate planting densities, soil compaction associated with former agricultural activities, lack of microtopographic relief that allow small seedling to survive on wet sites, competition by herbaceous plants, and browse. Selection of well-suited species, dense planting and use of mechanical soil site preparations are all potential remedies to partially address success of wetland restoration plantings. Riparian restoration projects have historically been undertaken with goals of improving water quality and/or wildlife habitat, but in recent years there has been increased valuation of carbon sequestration. Carbon valuation appears to be increasing, but more research is needed to determine rates and pools of carbon accumulation in riparian areas. Our research quantifies forest establishment effects on multiple carbon pools in a densely planted, 12-year-old old-field riparian restoration. Our research evaluated the effects of four soil mechanical site preparations (bed, disk, pit, and mound and rip) and species selection (American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and willow oak, (Quercus phellos) on forest establishment and carbon storage across multiple pools, namely in planted trees, herbaceous vegetation, fine roots, organic soil horizons, and the mineral soil. At 12 years, we found that species selection was more important to carbon storage than site preparation. American sycamore was well suited to the site and had better survival than willow oak (64% vs 42% survival). American sycamore also stored more carbon across all site preparations than willow oak. Measured carbon storage averaged 74.8 Mg ha-1 for American sycamore treatments and 63.1 Mg ha-1 for willow oak treatments. The plots were densely planted (1.2 m (4ft) by 1.8 m (6ft) spacing), and forests were established even in higher mortality willow oak plots. These results indicate that high planting density is potentially a viable practice for establishing riparian forest cover, especially if desired species are marginally site suited or other survival inhibiting factors exist.ETDenIn CopyrightRiparian restorationPlatanus occidentalisQuercus phellosmechanical site preparationpit and moundbeddingdiskingrippingbottomland hardwoodscarbon sequestrationforest establishmentwetland restorationwetlandssoil carboncarbonThe Effects of Mechanical Site Preparation Treatment and Species Selection on Survival and Carbon Pools in 12-Year-Old American Sycamore (<i>Platanus occidentalis</i>) and Willow Oak (<i>Quercus phellos</i>) Riparian Plantations in the Southeastern U.S. PiedmontThesis