Virginia Tech. Department of Computer Science. Digital Library Research LaboratoryUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. School of Library ScienceFox, Edward A.Yang, SeungwonWildemuth, Barbara M.Pomerantz, Jeffrey P.2015-05-292015-05-292006Yang, Seungwon. (2006). Digital Library Curriculum Development: Enhancing Education and Comprehension of NDLTD. 9th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations. June 7-10, 2006, Quebec, Canada. slideshow describes the Digital Library Curriculum Development project, a collaborative effort between faculty and students from Virginia Tech's Department of Computer Science and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Library and Information Science. This presentation addresses the development of a digital library curriculum that incorporates content from various disciplines and covers the challenges of organizing digital library topics into logical groupings.57 pagesapplication/pdfapplication/ CopyrightDigital librariesCurriculum developmentModulesDigital Library Curriculum Development: Enhancing Education and Comprehension of NDLTDPresentation