Kerr, JohnJindal, Rohit2016-04-192016-04-192007USAID PES Brief 43398_PESbrief4_ImpactEvaluation.pdf has many attractive characteristics relative to other conservation approaches provided that transaction costs are low and other favorable conditions apply (see sections 2 and 3 of this Sourcebook). However, ascertaining PES's advantages requires measuring the effect of actual programs in the field. Such impact evaluation can also help in identifying opportunities for further improvements in efficiency of these programs and looking out for other environmental services that can find ready markets.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightPayments for environmental servicesEnvironmental impactsResearch planningSocial impactsEconomic impactsPESImpact evaluationAnalysisAdditionalityIndicatorsMonitoringImpact studiesEconomic valuesBaselinePerceptionsQuantitative evaluationQualitative evaluationImpact evaluation of PES programsWorking paper