Kassam, Amir H.Friedrich, TheodorShaxson, F.Pretty, Jules2016-04-192016-04-192009International Journal of Agriculture Sustainability 7(4): 292-3201473-59031747-762Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/68744Metadata only recordThis paper argues that conservation agriculture has both environmental and agricultural benefits, but is knowledge intensive because it requires fundamental change in our thinking and approach to agriculture. The purpose of the paper is to justify why a transition to conservation agriculture is necessary, setting up discussion in a subsequent paper of the conditions for the spread of conservation agriculture.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightConservation agricultureAdoption of innovationsSustainable agricultureConservation tillageNo-tillSoil healthSustainabilityTechnologyAdoptionTillage practicesEcosystemThe spread of conservation agriculture: Justification, sustainability and uptakeAbstractCopyright 2009 Earthscan