Kemburi, B. M.Scarola, Vito W.2017-02-202017-02-202012-01-041098-0121 theoretically study the stability of lattice supersolid states in the extended Bose-Hubbard model with bounded spatial disorder. We construct a disorder mean field theory and compare with quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The supersolid survives weak disorder on the simple cubic lattice. We also find that increasing disorder strength can transform a lattice solid into a supersolid as it tends to percolate through the disorder landscape.5 pagesIn CopyrightPhysics, Condensed MatterPhysicsSUPERFLUID-INSULATOR TRANSITIONANDERSON LOCALIZATIONOPTICAL LATTICESQUANTUM PHASESSYSTEMSHELIUMBOSONSSTATEPercolation-enhanced supersolids in the extended Bose-Hubbard modelArticle - RefereedPhysical Review B, VW [0000-0002-8653-2723]