Schreiber, Madeline E.Eagle, SarahSchwartz, BenjaminOrndorff, William D.Gerst, Jonathan2013-05-082013-05-082013-05-08 may be divided into these groups: --Supplementary matter on instrumentation and site setting --Continuous time series data water and air temperature, and specific conductanceJames Cave is located in Pulaski County, Virginia and formed within the Cambro-Ordovician Conococheague formation. Continuous (10 minute interval) monitoring of specific conductance and water temperature of cave drips and cave stream from January 2011 to winter 2013 using HOBO® conductivity loggers. At the subsurface sites, drips were consolidated using tarps with areas of 2.43m2, 3.07m2, and 3.51m2 for MS1, MS2, and MS3, respectively and funneled into a reservoir for measurement and logging of conductivity and temperature. These data are presented as the temperature compensated specific conductance. Additionally, this submission includes air temperature taken via HOBO® temperature sensors and loggers. The air temperature data are subject to considerable artifacts such as an increase in temperature during sampling events.en-USIn Copyrightepikarstkarstrechargetime seriesconductivitygroundwaterTemperatureJames Cave Epikarst Monitoring Temperature and Specific Conductance Data as of 120701Dataset