Hartka, Thomas Ryan2014-03-142014-03-142004-05-12etd-06102004-224645http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33508Structural analysis and design optimization is important to a wide variety of disciplines. The current methods for these tasks require significant time and computing resources. Reconfigurable computers have shown the ability to speed up many applications, but are unable to handle efficiently the precision requirements for traditional analysis and optimization techniques. Cellular automata theory provides a method to model these problems in a format conducive to representation on a reconfigurable computer. The calculations do not need to be executed with high precision and can be performed in parallel. By implementing cellular automata simulations on a reconfigurable computer, structural analysis and design optimization can be performed significantly faster than conventional methods.In Copyrightdesign optimizationcellular automatacongurable computingCellular Automata for Structural Optimization on Recongfigurable ComputersThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-06102004-224645/