2024-10-282024-10-282021-04-16https://hdl.handle.net/10919/121454Vehicles are undergoing tarpaulin fumigation treatments. Sand snakes are being used to crate a ground seal. Applicators are nearby to monitor gas levels and temperatures inside of the vehicles. Note: Some photos were edited to remove/censor identifying details.Dimensions: 4032 x 3024Size: 8 MBDimensions: 3024 x 4032Size: 5 MBDimensions: 4032 x 3024Size: 2 MBimage/jpegenIn Copyright (InC)This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. Some uses of this Item may be deemed fair and permitted by law even without permission from the rights holder(s). For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder(s).Non-Agricultural FumigationDemonstration and ResearchBed Bug ControlVehicle Tarpaulin FumigationImageVirginia Tech