Burgarth, DanielFacchi, PaoloFraas, MartinHillier, Robin2022-04-062022-04-062021-082542-465327http://hdl.handle.net/10919/109567Dynamical decoupling is the leading technique to remove unwanted interactions in a vast range of quantum systems through fast rotations. But what determines the timescale of such rotations in order to achieve good decoupling? By providing an explicit counterexample of a qubit coupled to a charged particle and magnetic monopole, we show that such time-scales cannot be decided by the decay profile induced by the noise: even though the system shows a quadratic decay (a Zeno region revealing non-Markovian noise), it cannot be decoupled by periodic spin echo pulses, no matter how fast the rotations.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalNon-Markovian noise that cannot be dynamically decoupled by periodic spin echo pulsesArticle - RefereedSciPost Physicshttps://doi.org/10.21468/SciPostPhys.11.2.027112