Virginia Cooperative Extension ServiceRobinson, William H.Couch, Houston B.Bingham, Samuel W.2019-02-272019-02-271988-01 of insects and mite pests of turf grass is best achieved by considering the pests in above-ground and below-ground categories. For the latter, it is essential to get chemicals into the soil; for the former, the grass blades and ground surface should be treated so as to get a minimum of washoff and soil penetration by rain or watering. In general, emulsifiable concentrates provide the greatest residual on grass blades and the least immediate penetration into the soil. Wettable powders provide good residual, but dust and granular formulations move down into the thatch and soil. White grubs (masked chafer, May beetle, Japanese beetle, etc.) digger wasps, and ants are below-ground pests. Sod webwonns, annywonns, and chinch bugs inhabit the thatch near the soil surface, but feed on grass blades. Leaf/zappers, frit flies, billbugs, and mites move and feed on grass blades.21 pagesapplication/pdfen-USVirginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, re-print, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.LD5655.A762Turfgrasses -- Diseases and pests -- ControlPesticides -- Application1988-89 pest management guide for turfgrassPest management guide for turfgrass19248836Extension publication