Lai, Y. -T.Adachi, I.Aihara, H.Al Said, S.Asner, D. M.Atmacan, H.Aulchenko, V.Aushev, T.Ayad, R.Babu, V.Bahinipati, S.Behera, P.Belous, K.Bennett, J.Bessner, M.Bhuyan, B.Bilka, T.Bobrov, A.Borah, J.Bozek, A.Bracko, M.Branchini, P.Browder, T. E.Budano, A.Campajola, M.Cervenkov, D.Chang, M. -C.Chang, P.Chekelian, V.Chen, A.Cheon, B. G.Chilikin, K.Cho, H. E.Cho, K.Cho, S. -J.Choi, S. -K.Choi, Y.Cinabro, D.Cunliffe, S.Czank, T.Das, S.De Nardo, G.De Pietro, G.Dhamija, R.Di Capua, F.Dingfelder, J.Dolezal, Z.Dong, T.Ferber, T.Fulsom, B. G.Garg, R.Gaur, V.Gabyshev, N.Giri, A.Goldenzweig, P.Graziani, E.Gu, T.Guan, Y.Gudkova, K.Hadjivasiliou, C.Halder, S.Hartbrich, O.Hayasaka, K.Hayashii, H.Higuchi, T.Hou, W. -S.Hsu, C. -L.Iijima, T.Inami, K.Ishikawa, A.Itoh, R.Iwasaki, M.Iwasaki, Y.Jacobs, W. W.Jang, E. -J.Jia, S.Jin, Y.Kaliyar, A. B.Kang, K. H.Kim, C. H.Kim, D. Y.Kim, K. -H.Kim, Y. -K.Kinoshita, K.Kodys, P.Konno, T.Korobov, A.Korpar, S.Kovalenko, E.Krizan, P.Krokovny, P.Kumar, M.Kumar, R.Kumara, K.Kuzmin, A.Kwon, Y. -J.Lam, T.Lange, J. S.Laurenza, M.Lee, S. C.Levit, D.Li, J.Li, L. K.Li, Y. B.Li Gioi, L.Libby, J.Lieret, K.Liventsev, D.Martini, A.Masuda, M.Matvienko, D.Meier, F.Merola, M.Metzner, F.Mizuk, R.Mohanty, G. B.Moon, T. J.Mrvar, M.Mussa, R.Nakao, M.Natochii, A.Nayak, L.Nisar, N. K.Nishida, S.Ogawa, S.Pakhlova, G.Pang, T.Pardi, S.Park, H.Park, S. -H.Passeri, A.Patra, S.Paul, S.Pedlar, T. K.Pestotnik, R.Piilonen, L. E.Podobnik, T.Prencipe, E.Prim, M. T.Rostomyan, A.Rout, N.Russo, G.Sahoo, D.Sakai, Y.Sandilya, S.Sangal, A.Santelj, L.Sanuki, T.Savinov, V.Schnell, G.Schueler, J.Schwanda, C.Seino, Y.Senyo, K.Sevior, M. E.Shapkin, M.Sharma, C.Shen, C. P.Shiu, J. -G.Singh, J. B.Sokolov, A.Solovieva, E.Staric, M.Stottler, Z. S.Strube, J. F.Sumihama, M.Sumisawa, K.Sutcliffe, W.Takizawa, M.Tamponi, U.Tanida, K.Tenchini, F.Trabelsi, K.Uglov, T.Unno, Y.Uno, K.Uno, S.Urquijo, P.van Tonder, R.Varner, G.Varvell, K. E.Vinokurova, A.Vossen, A.Waheed, E.Wang, C. H.Wang, X. L.Watanabe, M.Watanuki, S.Won, E.Yabsley, B. D.Yan, W.Yang, S. B.Ye, H.Yelton, J.Zhai, Y.Zhang, Z. P.Zhilich, V.Zhukova, V.2023-12-082023-12-082023-05-022023-05-020031-9007 study B+→π+π0π0 using 711 fb-1 of data collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. We measure an inclusive branching fraction of (19.0±1.5±1.4)×10-6 and an inclusive CP asymmetry of (9.2±6.8±0.7)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic, and a B+→ρ(770)+π0 branching fraction of (11.2±1.1±0.9-1.6+0.8)×10-6, where the third uncertainty is due to possible interference with B+→ρ(1450)+π0. We present the first observation of a structure around 1 GeV/c2 in the π0π0 mass spectrum, with a significance of 6.4σ, and measure a branching fraction to be (6.9±0.9±0.6)×10-6. We also report a measurement of local CP asymmetry in this structure.7 page(s)PrintIn CopyrightScience & TechnologyPhysical SciencesPhysics, MultidisciplinaryPhysicsBelle Collaboration5106 Nuclear and Plasma Physics5107 Particle and High Energy Physics4902 Mathematical Physics49 Mathematical Sciences51 Physical SciencesBrain Disorders40 EngineeringFirst Measurement of the B+ -> pi(+)pi(0)pi(0) Branching Fraction and CP AsymmetryArticle - RefereedPhysical Review Letters, Leo [0000-0001-6836-0748]372049041079-7114