Slipetz, Lindley2013-05-042013-05-042013-05-03vt_gsexam:580 distinguishes a meaningless utterance from a meaningful term?  While one might say that, within the context of Ruth Millikan\'s teleosemantics, it is a term\'s having a proper function that distinguishes it from a meaningless utterance, I propose that the distinction can be made with reference to the history of the term.  Using evolutionary game theory, I offer a way to clarify the distinction between the meaningless and the meaningful.  I reject the possibility of correlating meaning with an evolutionarily stable strategy as this does not seem to be consistent with how communication works or with Millikan\'s theory.  Instead, when a term has meaning, the function category of that term corresponds to an evolutionarily stable state composed of both speaker and hearer strategies.ETDIn CopyrightRuth Millikangame theorymeaningteleosemanticsOn Distinguishing the Meaningless from the Meaningful: An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach to Ruth Millikan\'s TeleosemanticsThesis