Yang, SeungwonKavanaugh, Andrea L.2013-06-192013-06-192011http://hdl.handle.net/10919/19422This tutorial will teach participants how to collect, analyze and visualize results from twitter data. We will demonstrate several different free, open-source web-based tools that participants can use to collect twitter data (e.g., Archivist, 140kit.com, TwapperKeeper), and show them a few different methods, tools or programs they can use to analyze the data in a given collection. Finally, we will show participants visualization tools and programs they can use to present the analyses, such as tag clouds, graphs and other data clustering techniques. As much as possible this will be a hands-on tutorial, so participants can learn by making their own twitter data collection, analysis and visualization as part of the tutorial.application/pdfenIn CopyrightInformation visualizationInformation retrievalCollecting, Analyzing and Visualizing Tweets using Open Source ToolsTechnical reportTR-11-14http://eprints.cs.vt.edu/archive/00001160/01/Dg.o.2011TutorialHandout-techreport.pdf