Hickman, Joseph2014-03-142014-03-142007-11-12etd-11262007-164715http://hdl.handle.net/10919/35826In this thesis, we present a versatile parallel programming model composed of an individual general-purpose processor aided by several application-specific coprocessors. These computing units operate under a simplification of the master-worker model. The user-defined coprocessors may be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. We analyze system performance with regard to system size and task granularity, and we present experimental results to determine the optimal operating conditions. Finally, we consider the suitability of this approach for scientific simulations — specifically for use in agent-based models of biological systems.In Copyrightmaster-worker modelapplication-specific coprocessorparallel programmingheterogeneous architectureField programmable gate arraysAn Analysis of an Interrupt-Driven Implementation of the Master-Worker Model with Application-Specific CoprocessorsThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-11262007-164715/