Tanous, KyleRichards, Aaron2016-05-092016-05-092016-05-04http://hdl.handle.net/10919/70945The website portion of the software system developed for NRV Time Bank provides users with the means to initiate service exchanges with other users, using hours as currency. Users earn hours by performing jobs, and may spend them by requesting the services of other users. PHP routines are included, and described on p. 38-39 of the report.TimeBanks is an international non-profit organization whose goal is to foster strong community relationships and an economy based on home, family, and community instead of money. The primary goal of the system developed for the NRV Time Bank is to provide a more usable interface than is provided by established time bank management software. This report and accompanying presentation detail the requirements, design, prototyping, implementation, and testing processes involved in the development of the software used by NRV Time Bank of Blacksburg, VA as an interface to their services.en-USCreative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain DedicationTimeBanksWordpressUsabilityWeb DevelopmentIterative DesignNew River Valley (NRV) Time Bank Development ReportPresentation