Sockell, Michael Elliot2014-08-132014-08-131987 novel statistical technique introduced by Besieris is used to study solutions of the nonlinear stochastic complex parabolic equation in the presence of two profiles. Specifically, the randomly modulated linear potential and the randomly perturbed quadratic focusing medium. In the former, a class of solutions is shown to admit an exact statistical description in terms of the moments of the wave function. In the latter, all even-order moments are computed exactly, whereas the odd-order moments are solved asymptotically. Lastly, it is shown that this statistical technique is isomorphic to mappings of nonconstant coefficient partial differential equations to constant coefficient equations. A generalization of this mapping and its inherent restrictions are discussed.v, 97 leavesapplication/pdfIn CopyrightLD5655.V856 1987.S654Stochastic integral equationsStochastic processesSimilarity solutions of stochastic nonlinear parabolic equationsDissertation