Reyes, Manuel R.Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.Boulakia, StephaneElla, Victor B.Dayo, H.2016-04-192016-04-192011Presented at the SANREM CRSP Annual Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, 17-19 May 2011 poster introduces the Long Term Research Activity (LTRA) 12 within the SANREM CRSP program. The objectives of this LTRA are to ensure food security and reverse soil degradation in Southeast Asia (Cambodia and the Philippines) through Conservation Agriculture practices. This research activity will take place throughout Phase IV of the SANREM CRSP, ending in 2014.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSoil degradationConservation agricultureSANREM CRSPLtra-12CambodiaThe PhilippinesSoutheast asiaSmallholdersOrganic mulchConservation agriculture for food security in Cambodia and the PhilippinesPoster