Stutz, SebastianAuth, DominikWeber, ChristophDrzewietzki, LukasNikiforov, OlegRosales, RicardoWalther, ThomasLester, Luke F.Breuer, Stefan2020-02-112020-02-112019-101943-06551504408 frequency tuning of the 40.67 GHz intermode beat frequency of a 1255 nm emitting 1 mm long monolithic self mode-locked single section optical frequency comb InAs/InGaAs quantum dot laser across 70 MHz is experimentally demonstrated by fine-delay dual-cavity controlled all optical self-injection. Fiber-based macroscopic optical delay lengths are 9.4 m (round-trip time of 62.7 ns) and 16.5 m (round-trip time of 110.1 ns), the maximum studied microscopic delay tuning times are 40 ps and the optical self-injection strengths are below 0.02%. For selected delay times, the lowest intermode beat frequency line width amounts to 2 kHz indicating an improvement of carrier phase coherence by a factor of 700 as compared to the free-running laser. We validate these experimental results by a simple and universal stochastic time-domain model which is applied for the first time to model a self mode-locked quantum dot laser subject to optical self-injection. Modeling results are in good quantitative agreement.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalOptical frequency comb laserquantum dot lasersself mode-lockingintermode beat frequencyself-injectionstochastic modellingtime-domain modellingDynamic Intermode Beat Frequency Control of an Optical Frequency Comb Single Section Quantum Dot Laser by Dual-Cavity Optical Self-InjectionArticle - RefereedIEEE Photonics Journal