Semi-annual reports: Marketing Indonesia Year 4

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Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)


Executive Summary: The creation of market linkage for vegetables was selected as an entry point to strengthen smallholder vegetable agroforestry systems in Nanggung, West Java, Indonesia. Katuk (Sauropus androgynus) was selected as priority vegetable based on strong market demand. Rapid market surveys established that Jakarta area markets need about 2 tons per day of fresh Katuk, while the pharmaceutical industry requires about 4 tons per week of dried Katuk. Project marketing activity focused on monitoring and evaluating progress of smallholder Katuk production and marketing. The project team assisted local farmers evaluate their existing farming systems, socioeconomic resources, and market opportunity in regarding to Katuk production and markets. Farmer groups (a total of 30 farmers) in three villages Parakan Muncang, Hambaro and Sukaluyu agreed to try market-oriented production of Katuk. Production was focused on 1 or 3 farmers land with management conducted by all group members.



Market supply, Markets, Agroforestry, Local markets, Market demand, Sauropus androgynus, Katuk, Rapid market appraisal, Farm/Enterprise Scale Governance


LTRA-5 Semi-annual Progress Report