Browsing by Author "Bailey, Scott W."
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- Catchment Structure Regulates Hydrodynamic Drivers of Chemical Weathering in Shallow Forest SoilsPennino, Amanda (Virginia Tech, 2023-06-12)Determining where, when, and how subsurface flow affects soil processes and the resulting arrangement of soil development along flow paths is challenging. While hydrologic regime and soil solution acidity are known to influence weathering rates and soil transformation processes, an integrated understanding of these factors together is still lacking. This dissertation explores the effects of subsurface flow on the mobility and distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and base cations to explain spatial patterns in chemical weathering in a forested headwater catchment. In the first chapter, relationships between hydrologic behavior, fluxes of weathered elements, and the extent of soil elemental loss across landscape positions are established. The second chapter investigates what specific groundwater behavior best explains spatial patterns in solution DOC concentrations during storm events. Lastly, in the third chapter, near surface saturation dynamics are examined to determine when and where DOC mobilization might be enhanced by subsurface flow. Results show that weathering extent was greatest in the upper reaches of the catchment, where O horizon saturation frequency and DOC concentrations are highest. Annual base cation fluxes, which were also greatest in these positions, could indicate where weathering is likely still enhanced. Additionally, while O horizon saturation occurred across the catchment, spatial differences in DOC concentrations suggest there are other sources of acidity to groundwater solutions other than just leaching from O horizons. Shallow organic soils, near bedrock outcrops at the top of the catchment is likely this additional C source, in which drainage water is transported downslope to nearby mineral soils when water tables are high and hydrologic connectivity between soils is increased. Spring and fall storm events were identified as times when groundwater most frequently reached O horizons during the snow-free year, providing insight into the timing of these processes throughout the year. This dissertation highlights how catchment structure mediates DOC flushing events, which in turn, influences the spatial architecture of soil development and chemical weathering processes across the landscape.
- A catchment water balance assessment of an abrupt shift in evapotranspiration at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USAGreen, Mark; Bailey, Scott W.; Campbell, John L.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Bailey, Amey; Fahey, Timothy; Lany, Nina; Zietlow, David (Wiley, 2021-07-01)Small catchments have served as sentinels of forest ecosystem responses to changes in air quality and climate. The Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire has been tracking catchment water budgets and their controls - meteorology and vegetation - since 1956. Water budgets in four reference catchments indicated an approximately 30% increase in the evapotranspiration (ET) as estimated by the difference between precipitation (P) and runoff (RO) starting in 2010 and continuing through 2019. We analyzed the annual water budgets, cumulative deviations of the daily P, RO, and water budget residual (WBR = P - RO), potential ET, and indicators of subsurface storage to gain greater insight into this shift in the water budgets. The potential ET and the subsurface storage indicators suggest that this change in WBR was primarily due to increasing ET. While multiple long-term hydrological and micrometeorological data sets were used to detect and investigate this change in ET, additional measurements of groundwater storage and soil moisture would enable better estimation of ET within the catchment water balance. Increasing the breadth of long-term measurements across small gauged catchments allows them to serve as more effective sentinels of substantial hydrologic changes like the ET increase that we observed.
- Development of a lateral topographic weathering gradient in temperate forested podzolsBower, Jennifer A.; Ross, Donald S.; Bailey, Scott W.; Pennino, Amanda M.; Jercinovic, Michael J.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Strahm, Brian D.; Schreiber, Madeline E. (Elsevier, 2023-11)Mineral weathering is an important soil-forming process driven by the interplay of water, organisms, solution chemistry, and mineralogy. The influence of hillslope-scale patterns of water flux on mineral weathering in soils is still not well understood, particularly in humid postglacial soils, which commonly harbor abundant weatherable primary minerals. Previous work in these settings showed the importance of lateral hydrologic patterns to hillslope-scale pedogenesis. In this study, we hypothesized that there is a corresponding relationship between hydrologically driven pedogenesis and chemical weathering in podzols in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA. We tested this hypothesis by quantifying the depletion of plagioclase in the fine fraction (≤2 mm) of closely spaced, similar-age podzols along a gradient in topography and depth to bedrock that controls lateral water flow. Along this gradient, laterally developed podzols formed through frequent, episodic flushing by upslope groundwater, and vertically developed podzols formed through characteristic vertical infiltration. We estimated the depletion of plagioclase-bound elements within the upper mineral horizons of podzols using mass transfer coefficients (τ) and quantified plagioclase losses directly through electron microscopy and microprobe analysis. Elemental depletion was significantly more pronounced in the upslope lateral eluvial (E horizon-dominant) podzols relative to lateral illuvial (B horizon-dominant) and vertical (containing both E and B horizons) podzols downslope, with median Na losses of ∼74 %, ∼56 %, and ∼40 %, respectively. When comparing genetic E horizons, Na and Al were significantly more depleted in laterally developed podzols relative to vertically developed podzols. Microprobe analysis revealed that ∼74 % of the plagioclase was weathered from the mineral pool of lateral eluvial podzols, compared to ∼39 % and ∼23 % for lateral illuvial podzols and vertically developed podzols, respectively. Despite this intense weathering, plagioclase remains the second most abundant mineral in soil thin sections. These findings confirm that the concept of soil development as occurring vertically does not accurately characterize soils in topographically complex regions. Our work improves the current understanding of pedogenesis by identifying distinct, short-scale gradients in mineral weathering shaped by local patterns of hydrology and topography.
- Digital terrain analysis to predict soil spatial patterns at the Hubbard Brook Experimental ForestGillin, Cody Palmer (Virginia Tech, 2013-05-15)Topographic analysis using digital elevation models (DEMs) has become commonplace in soil and hydrologic modeling and analysis and there has been considerable assessment of the effects of grid resolution on topographic metrics using DEMs of 10 m resolution or coarser. However, examining fine-scale (i.e., 1-10 m) soil and hydrological variability of headwater catchments may require higher-resolution data that has only recently become available, and both DEM accuracy and the effects of different high-resolution DEMs on topographic metrics are relatively unknown. This study has two principle research components. First, an error analysis of two high-resolution DEMs derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data covering the same headwater catchment was conducted to assess the applicability of such DEMs for modeling fine-scale environmental phenomena. Second, one LiDAR-derived DEM was selected for computing topographic metrics to predict fine-scale functional soil units termed hydropedological units (HPUs). HPU development is related to topographic and surface/subsurface heterogeneity resulting in distinct hydrologic flowpaths leading to variation of soil morphological expression. Although the two LiDAR datasets differed with respect to data collection methods and nominal post-spacing of ground returns, DEMs interpolated from each LiDAR dataset exhibited similar error. Grid resolution affected DEM-delineated catchment boundaries and the value of computed topographic metrics. The best topographic metrics for predicting HPUs were the topographic wetness index, bedrock-weighted upslope accumulated area, and Euclidean distance from bedrock. Predicting the spatial distribution of HPUs may provide a more comprehensive understanding of hydrological and biogeochemical functionality of headwater systems.
- Flushing of distal hillslopes as an alternative source of stream dissolved organic carbon in a headwater catchmentGannon, John P.; Bailey, Scott W.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Shanley, James B. (American Geophysical Union, 2015-10-01)We investigated potential source areas of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in headwater streams by examining DOC concentrations in lysimeter, shallow well, and stream water samples from a reference catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. These observations were then compared to high-frequency temporal variations in fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) at the catchment outlet and the predicted spatial extent of shallow groundwater in soils throughout the catchment. While near-stream soils are generally considered a DOC source in forested catchments, DOC concentrations in near-stream groundwater were low (mean52.4 mg/L, standard error50.6 mg/L), less than hillslope groundwater farther from the channel (mean55.7 mg/L, standard error50.4 mg/L). Furthermore, water tables in near-stream soils did not rise into the carbon-rich upper B or O horizons even during events. In contrast, soils below bedrock outcrops near channel heads where lateral soil formation processes dominate had much higher DOC concentrations. Soils immediately downslope of bedrock areas had thick eluvial horizons indicative of leaching of organic materials, Fe, and Al and had similarly high DOC concentrations in groundwater (mean514.5 mg/L, standard error50.8 mg/L). Flow from bedrock outcrops partially covered by organic soil horizons produced the highest groundwater DOC concentrations (mean520.0 mg/L, standard error54.6 mg/L) measured in the catchment. Correspondingly, stream water in channel heads sourced in part by shallow soils and bedrock outcrops had the highest stream DOC concentrations measured in the catchment. Variation in FDOM concentrations at the catchment outlet followed water table fluctuations in shallow to bedrock soils near channel heads. We show that shallow hillslope soils receiving runoff from organic matter-covered bedrock outcrops may be a major source of DOC in headwater catchments in forested mountainous regions where catchments have exposed or shallow bedrock near channel heads.
- Forest catchment structure mediates shallow subsurface flow and soil base cation fluxesPennino, Amanda; Strahm, Brian D.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Bower, Jennifer A.; Bailey, Scott W.; Schreiber, Madeline E.; Ross, Donald S.; Duston, Stephanie A.; Benton, Joshua R. (Elsevier, 2024-10)Hydrologic behavior and soil properties across forested landscapes with complex topography exhibit high variability. The interaction of groundwater with spatially distinct soils produces and transports solutes across catchments, however, the spatiotemporal relationships between groundwater dynamics and soil solute fluxes are difficult to directly evaluate. While whole-catchment export of solutes by shallow subsurface flow represents an integration of soil environments and conditions but many studies compartmentalize soil solute fluxes as hillslope vs. riparian, deep vs. shallow, or as individual soil horizon contributions. This potentially obscures and underestimates the hillslope variation and magnitude of solute fluxes and soil development across the landscape. This study determined the spatial variation and of shallow soil base cation fluxes associated with weathering reactions (Ca, Mg, and Na), soil elemental depletion, and soil saturation dynamics in upland soils within a small, forested watershed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH. Base cation fluxes were calculated using a combination of ion-exchange resins placed in shallow groundwater wells (0.3 – 1 m depth) located across hillslope transects (ridges to lower backslopes) and measurements of groundwater levels. Groundwater levels were also used to create metrics of annual soil saturation. Base cation fluxes were positively correlated with soil saturation frequency and were greatest in soil profiles where primary minerals were most depleted of base cations (i.e., highly weathered). Spatial differences in soil saturation across the catchment were strongly related to topographic properties of the upslope drainage area and are interpreted to result from spatial variations in transient groundwater dynamics. Results from this work suggest that the structure of a catchment defines the spatial architecture of base cation fluxes, likely reflecting the mediation of subsurface stormflow dynamics on soil development. Furthermore, this work highlights the importance of further compartmentalizing solute fluxes along hillslopes, where certain areas may disproportionately contribute solutes to the whole catchment. Refining catchment controls on base cation generation and transport could be an important tool for opening the black box of catchment elemental cycling.
- A Hydropedological Approach to Describing Runoff Generation, Lateral Podzolization, and Spatial and Temporal Patterns of DOC in a Headwater CatchmentGannon, John P. (Virginia Tech, 2014-06-02)The variations in discharge and water chemistry among and within headwater catchments are not well understood. Developing a better understanding of the processes that control these variations is crucial to determining how headwater catchments will respond to changes in climate and land use. This dissertation explores how hydrologic processes in headwater catchments may be better understood by utilizing a hydropedological framework, where similar soils are grouped together and considered to be representative of and developed by similar hydrologic and biogeochemical processes. In the first chapter, soil groups, called hydropedological units (HPUs) are found to be indicative of distinct water table regimes characterized by the interquartile range and median of shallow groundwater levels, the percent time water table exists in the soil, and the level of catchment storage at which groundwater responds. The second chapter explores the hydrological processes that may lead to the formation of HPUs in the catchment. By examining water table records and unsaturated water potential from tensiometers we found that lateral unsaturated flow regimes may be partially responsible for the patterns of lateral translocation observed in HPUs. Finally, the third chapter identifies two HPUs in the catchment as sources of streamwater dissolved organic carbon (DOC). While near-stream areas have typically been found to be DOC sources in headwater catchments, the HPUs identified as sources occur at high elevations in the catchment, near channel heads. Overall, these findings will be useful to better explain runoff generation, soil formation, and DOC export from headwater catchments. Headwater streams source water to larger bodies of water that are valuable natural resources. Therefore, explaining these processes is critical to predicting and responding to changes in climate and land use that may affect important water supplies.
- Isotopic signals of summer denitrification in a northern hardwood forested catchmentWexler, S. K.; Goodale, Christine L.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Bailey, Scott W.; Groffman, Peter M. (National Academy of Sciences, 2014-11-18)Despite decades of measurements, the nitrogen balance of temperate forest catchments remains poorly understood. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition often greatly exceeds streamwater nitrogen losses; the fate of the remaining nitrogen is highly uncertain. Gaseous losses of nitrogen to denitrification are especially poorly documented and are often ignored. Here, we provide isotopic evidence (δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3) from shallow groundwater at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest indicating extensive denitrification during midsummer, when transient, perched patches of saturation developed in hillslopes, with poor hydrological connectivity to the stream, while streamwater showed no isotopic evidence of denitrification. During small rain events, precipitation directly contributed up to 34% of streamwater nitrate, which was otherwise produced by nitrification. Together, these measurements reveal the importance of denitrification in hydrologically disconnected patches of shallow groundwater during midsummer as largely overlooked control points for nitrogen loss from temperate forest catchments.
- Lateral water flux in the unsaturated zone: A mechanism for the formation of spatial soil heterogeneity in a headwater catchmentGannon, John P.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Bailey, Scott W.; Bourgault, Rebecca R.; Ross, Donald S. (2017-09-30)Measurements of soil water potential and water table fluctuations suggest that morphologically distinct soils in a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire formed as a result of variations in saturated and unsaturated hydrologic fluxes in the mineral soil. Previous work showed that each group of these soils had distinct water table fluctuations in response to precipitation; however, observed variations in soil morphology also occurred above the maximum height of observed saturation. Variations in unsaturated fluxes have been hypothesized to explain differences in soil horizon thickness and presence/absence of specific horizons but have not been explicitly investigated. We examined tensiometer and shallow groundwater well records to identify differences in unsaturated water fluxes among podzols that show distinct morphological and chemical differences. The lack of vertical hydraulic gradients at the study sites suggests that lateral unsaturated flow occurs in several of the soil units. We propose that the variations in soil horizon thickness and presence/absence observed at the site are due in part to slope-parallel water flux in the unsaturated portion of the solum. In addition, unsaturated flow may be involved in the translocation of spodic material that primes those areas to contribute water with distinct chemistry to the stream network and represents a potential source/sink of organometallic compounds in the landscape.
- Linking water age and solute dynamics in streamflow at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USABenettin, Paolo; Bailey, Scott W.; Campbell, John L.; Green, M. B.; Rinaldo, Andrea; Likens, Gene E.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Botter, Gianluca (American Geophysical Union, 2015-11-01)We combine experimental and modeling results from a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), New Hampshire, USA, to explore the link between stream solute dynamics and water age. A theoretical framework based on water age dynamics, which represents a general basis for characterizing solute transport at the catchment scale, is here applied to conservative and weatheringderived solutes. Based on the available information about the hydrology of the site, an integrated transport model was developed and used to compute hydrochemical fluxes. The model was designed to reproduce the deuterium content of streamflow and allowed for the estimate of catchment water storage and dynamic travel time distributions (TTDs). The innovative contribution of this paper is the simulation of dissolved silicon and sodium concentration in streamflow, achieved by implementing first-order chemical kinetics based explicitly on dynamic TTD, thus upscaling local geochemical processes to catchment scale. Our results highlight the key role of water stored within the subsoil glacial material in both the short-term and long-term solute circulation. The travel time analysis provided an estimate of streamflow age distributions and their evolution in time related to catchment wetness conditions. The use of age information to reproduce a 14 year data set of silicon and sodium stream concentration shows that, at catchment scales, the dynamics of such geogenic solutes are mostly controlled by hydrologic drivers, which determine the contact times between the water and mineral interfaces. Justifications and limitations toward a general theory of reactive solute circulation at catchment scales are discussed.
- Mineral weathering and podzolization control acid neutralization and streamwater chemistry gradients in upland glaciated catchments, Northeastern United StatesBailey, Scott W.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Ross, Donald S.; Green, Mark B.; Fraser, Olivia L. (2019-02-26)Headwater streams in the White Mountains, NH, United States have been shown to have downstream gradients of increasing pH and concentrations of base cations coupled with decreasing concentrations of aluminum. A two-stage acid neutralization model involving shallow soil exchange processes in headwaters coupled with deeper mineral weathering downstream had been proposed to explain these gradients. We conducted synoptic sampling of three headwater catchments in this region that showed variations in this longitudinal pattern, ranging from streams that remain acidic throughout their length to streams with circumneutral pH beginning at their source. To explain these differences, we mapped soils using a hydropedologic approach that emphasizes the influence of groundwater saturation frequency and water table regime on soil formation processes. Stream segments with lower pH and base cation concentrations, coupled with higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), aluminum, and in one case iron, were in subcatchments mapped with shallow to bedrock soils where eluvial soil forming processes dominated. In contrast, stream segments with higher pH and base cation concentrations coupled with low concentrations of DOC and aluminum were associated with subcatchments with deeper soils where illuvial processes were more dominant. Concentrations of sodium and silicon were relatively uniform across these gradients. Coupled with the higher concentrations of dissolved aluminum and small pools of exchangeable aluminum in the areas of bedrock outcrops and shallow soils, these data suggest that primary mineral dissolution is an important process influencing upper stream reaches, not just along longer, deeper flowpaths in downslope areas. In contrast, some stream reaches with obvious groundwater springs show a more abrupt transition in pH and base cation concentrations higher along the stream, suggesting that neutralization along deeper flowpaths may play a role in upslope areas as well. These data suggest a new three stage model of stream chemistry evolution. First, organic acids are introduced by frequent flushing of organic soils on shallow bedrock along ridge areas. Second, upper acidic reaches are controlled by mineral dissolution coupled with eluvial soil development. Third, downstream reaches are influenced by illuviation as organometallic complexes precipitate in spodic soil horizons, removing organic acids, and acid-mobile metals from drainage waters. This new model highlights differences in critical zone evolution along hillslopes in glaciated catchments with implications for understanding gradients in water quality, soil fertility, and response and recovery from disturbances.
- Network analysis reveals multiscale controls on streamwater chemistryMcGuire, Kevin J.; Torgersen, C. E.; Likens, Gene E.; Buso, D. C.; Lowe, W. H.; Bailey, Scott W. (National Academy of Sciences, 2014-05-13)By coupling synoptic data from a basin-wide assessment of streamwater chemistry with network-based geostatistical analysis, we show that spatial processes differentially affect biogeochemical condition and pattern across a headwater stream network. We analyzed a high-resolution dataset consisting of 664 water samples collected every 100 m throughout 32 tributaries in an entire fifth-order stream network. These samples were analyzed for an exhaustive suite of chemical constituents. The fine grain and broad extent of this study design allowed us to quantify spatial patterns over a range of scales by using empirical semivariograms that explicitly incorporated network topology. Here, we show that spatial structure, as determined by the characteristic shape of the semivariograms, differed both among chemical constituents and by spatial relationship (flow-connected, flowunconnected, or Euclidean). Spatial structure was apparent at either a single scale or at multiple nested scales, suggesting separate processes operating simultaneously within the stream network and surrounding terrestrial landscape. Expected patterns of spatial dependence for flow-connected relationships (e.g., increasing homogeneity with downstream distance) occurred for some chemical constituents (e.g., dissolved organic carbon, sulfate, and aluminum) but not for others (e.g., nitrate, sodium). By comparing semivariograms for the different chemical constituents and spatial relationships, we were able to separate effects on streamwater chemistry of (i ) fine-scale versus broad-scale processes and (ii ) in-stream processes versus landscape controls. These findings provide insight on the hierarchical scaling of local, longitudinal, and landscape processes that drive biogeochemical patterns in stream networks.
- Network analysis reveals multiscale controls on streamwater chemistryMcGuire, Kevin J.; Torgersen, C. E.; Likens, Gene E.; Buso, D. C.; Lowe, W. H.; Bailey, Scott W. (National Academy of Sciences, 2014-05-13)By coupling synoptic data from a basin-wide assessment of streamwater chemistry with network-based geostatistical analysis, we show that spatial processes differentially affect biogeochemical condition and pattern across a headwater stream network. We analyzed a high-resolution dataset consisting of 664 water samples collected every 100 m throughout 32 tributaries in an entire fifth-order stream network. These samples were analyzed for an exhaustive suite of chemical constituents. The fine grain and broad extent of this study design allowed us to quantify spatial patterns over a range of scales by using empirical semivariograms that explicitly incorporated network topology. Here, we show that spatial structure, as determined by the characteristic shape of the semivariograms, differed both among chemical constituents and by spatial relationship (flow-connected, flowunconnected, or Euclidean). Spatial structure was apparent at either a single scale or at multiple nested scales, suggesting separate processes operating simultaneously within the stream network and surrounding terrestrial landscape. Expected patterns of spatial dependence for flow-connected relationships (e.g., increasing homogeneity with downstream distance) occurred for some chemical constituents (e.g., dissolved organic carbon, sulfate, and aluminum) but not for others (e.g., nitrate, sodium). By comparing semivariograms for the different chemical constituents and spatial relationships, we were able to separate effects on streamwater chemistry of (i ) fine-scale versus broad-scale processes and (ii ) in-stream processes versus landscape controls. These findings provide insight on the hierarchical scaling of local, longitudinal, and landscape processes that drive biogeochemical patterns in stream networks.
- Organizing groundwater regimes and response thresholds by soils: A framework for understanding runoff generation in a headwater catchmentGannon, John P.; Bailey, Scott W.; McGuire, Kevin J. (American Geophysical Union, 2014-11-01)A network of shallow groundwater wells in a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, U.S. was used to investigate the hydrologic behavior of five distinct soil morphological units. The soil morphological units were hypothesized to be indicative of distinct water table regimes. Water table fluctuations in the wells were characterized by their median and interquartile range of depth, proportion of time water table was present in the solum, and storage-discharge behavior of subsurface flow. Statistically significant differences in median, interquartile range, and presence of water table were detected among soil units. Threshold responses were identified in storage-discharge relationships of subsurface flow, with thresholds varying among soil units. These results suggest that soil horizonation is indicative of distinct groundwater flow regimes. The spatial distribution of water table across the catchment showed variably connected/disconnected active areas of runoff generation in the solum. The spatial distribution of water table and therefore areas contributing to stormflow is complex and changes depending on catchment storage.
- Organo-mineral interactions and soil carbon mineralizability with variable saturation cycle frequencyPossinger, Angela R.; Bailey, Scott W.; Inagaki, Thiago M.; Koegel-Knabner, Ingrid; Dynes, James J.; Arthur, Zachary A.; Lehmann, Johannes (2020-10-01)The response of mineral-stabilized soil organic carbon (SOC) to environmental change is a source of uncertainty in the understanding of SOC cycling. Fluctuating wet-dry cycles and associated redox changes in otherwise well-drained soils may drive mineral dissolution, organic carbon (OC) mobilization, and subsequent OC mineralization. However, the extent to which rapid fluctuations between water-saturated and unsaturated conditions (i.e., flashy conditions) result in long-term changes in mineral composition and organo-mineral interactions is not well understood. In this study, the effect of variable saturation frequency on soil mineral composition, mineral-associated OC, and OC mineralizability was tested using selective dissolution, bulk spectroscopy, microscale imaging, and aerobic-anaerobic incubation experiments. Previous water table fluctuation measurements and diagnostic profile characteristics at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (NH) were used to identify soils with high, medium, and low saturation frequency regimes (defined by historical water table cycling frequency; i.e., water table presence and recession in the upper B horizon). We found the amount of OC released during extractions targeting non-crystalline minerals was of similar magnitude as extracted iron (Fe) in lower saturation frequency soils. However, the magnitude of extracted OC was 2.5 times greater than Fe but more similar to extractable aluminum (Al) in higher saturation frequency soils. Bulk soil Fe was spatially more strongly correlated to soil organic matter (SOM) in lower saturation frequency soils (Spearman Rank r(s) = 0.62, p < 0.005), whereas strong correlations between Al and SOM were observed in higher saturation frequency soils (r(s) = 0.88, p < 0.005) using nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) imaging. Characterization of bulk soil Fe with X-ray absorption spectroscopy showed 1.2-fold greater Fe(II) and 1-fold lower contribution of Fe-organic bonding in soils with high saturation frequency. Fe(III) interactions with carboxylic and aromatic C were identified with C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy Fe(III) interference experiments. Additionally, carboxylic acid enrichment in high saturation frequency soils quantified by C K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy point towards the role of carboxylic functional groups in Al-organic in addition to Fe-organic interactions. In our incubation experiments, a doubling in short-term CO2 evolution (per unit total soil C) was detected for high relative to low saturation frequency soils. Further, an order of magnitude increase in CO2 evolution (per unit water-extractable OC) following anaerobic incubation was only detected in high saturation frequency soils. The observed shift towards Al-dominated SOC interactions and higher OC mineralizability highlights the need to describe C stabilization in soils with flashy wet-dry cycling separately from soils with low saturation frequency or persistent saturation.
- Predictive modeling of bedrock outcrops and associated shallow soil in upland glaciated landscapesFraser, Olivia L.; Bailey, Scott W.; Ducey, Mark J.; McGuire, Kevin J. (2020-10-15)Identifying the areal extent of bedrock outcrops and shallow soils has important implications for understanding spatial patterns in vegetation composition and productivity, stream chemistry gradients, and hydrologic and soil properties of landscapes. Manual methods of delineating bedrock outcrops and associated shallow soils are still commonly employed, but they are expensive to implement over broad areas and often limited by representation of polygon units. Few studies have automated the delineation of bedrock outcrops. These focused on delineation approaches in landscapes with rapidly eroding hillslopes and sparse vegetation. The objectives of this study were to assess the accuracy of visually interpreting high-resolution relief maps for locating bedrock outcrops and associated shallow soil (BOSS) < 50 cm deep in a heavily forested landscape, to use visually interpreted point locations to train predictive models, and to compare predictions with manually delineated polygons in upland glaciated landscapes. Visual interpretation of Lidar-derived 1 m shaded relief maps at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), USA resulted in a 79% accuracy of interpreting deep soil locations and 84% accuracy in distinguishing BOSS. We explored four probabilistic classifications of BOSS using multiple Lidar-derived topographic metrics as predictive variables. All four methods identified similar predictors for BOSS, including slope and topographic position indices with a 15, 100 and 200 m circular analysis window, respectively. Although all classifiers yielded similar results with little difference in interpretation, a generalized additive model had slightly higher accuracy predicting BOSS presence, yielding 85% overall accuracy using independent validation data across the primary study area, and 86% overall accuracy in a second validation area.
- Redistribution of soil metals and organic carbon via lateral flowpaths at the catchment scale in a glaciated upland settingBourgault, Rebecca R.; Ross, Donald S.; Bailey, Scott W.; Bullen, Thomas D.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Gannon, John P. (2017-12-01)Emerging evidence shows that interactions between soils and subsurface flow paths contribute to spatial variations in stream water chemistry in headwater catchments. However, few have yet attempted to quantify chemical variations in soils at catchment and hillslope scales. Watershed 3 (WS3) at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA, was studied in order to better understand pedogenesis and its relationship to subsurface water dynamics. In WS3, 99 soil profiles were described, sampled by horizon, and assigned to a hydropedologic unit (HPU), a functional classification previously developed using landscape and morphological metrics which corresponded with distinct water table regimes. Soil samples were extracted with 1) citrate-dithionite (d) and analyzed for Fe-d and Mn-d; and 2) acid ammonium oxalate (o) and analyzed for Al-o, Fe-o and the rare earth elements La-o, Ce-o, and Pr-o. Total organic C was also measured. These elements were redistributed via vertical and lateral podzolization. Typical (horizontally layered) podzols developed in the majority of the catchment due to predominantly vertical, unsaturated flow. However, lateral flow produced four other podzol types with distinct chemistry; thicker spodic horizons of laterally accumulating soils generally reflected larger pools of trace metals and subsoil organic C. The spatial distribution of positive cerium-anomalies (Ce/Ce*) in soil profiles proved to be a consistent hydropedologic indicator of lateral flow and seasonally high water table in three hillslopes. Despite occasional high water table in some of the HPUs, they were not hydric soils and were distinct from wetter podzols of coastal plains due to their high Fe content. This study suggests that vertical and lateral spatial variation in soil chemical composition, including the complexity of Ce distribution, as it relates to subsurface water dynamics should be considered when studying or predicting catchment scale functions such as stream solute export and biogeochemical processes.
- Searching for biogeochemical hot spots in three dimensions: Soil C and N cycling in hydropedologic settings in a northern hardwood forestMorse, J. L.; Werner, S. F.; Gillin, C. P.; Goodale, Christine L.; Bailey, Scott W.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Groffman, Peter M. (American Geophysical Union, 2014-08-01)Understanding and predicting the extent, location, and function of biogeochemical hot spots at the watershed scale is a frontier in environmental science. We applied a hydropedologic approach to identify (1) biogeochemical differences among morphologically distinct hydropedologic settings and (2) hot spots of microbial carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling activity in a northern hardwood forest in Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA. We assessed variables related to C and N cycling in spodic hydropedologic settings (typical podzols, bimodal podzols, and Bh podzols) and groundwater seeps during August 2010. We found that soil horizons (Oi/Oe, Oa/A, and B) differed significantly for most variables. B horizons (>10cm) accounted for 71% (±11%) of C pools and 62%(±10%) ofmicrobial biomass C in the sampled soil profile, whereas the surface horizons (Oi/Oe and Oa/A; 0–10cm) were dominant zones for N-cycle-related variables. Watershed-wide estimates of C and N cycling were higher by 34 to 43% (±17–19%) when rates, horizon thickness, and areal extent of each hydropedologic setting were incorporated, versus conventionally calculated estimates for typical podzols that included only the top 10cm of mineral soil. Despite the variation in profile development in typical, bimodal, and Bh podzols, we did not detect significant differences in C and N cycling among them. Across all soil horizons and hydropedologic settings, we found strong links between biogeochemical cycling and soil C, suggesting that the accumulation of C in soils may be a robust indicator of microbial C and N cycling capacity in the landscape.
- Temporal Dynamics of Groundwater Flow Direction in a Glaciated, Headwater CatchmentBenton, Joshua Robert (Virginia Tech, 2020-05-12)Shallow groundwater flow in the critical zone of steep headwater mountain catchments is often assumed to mimic surface topography. However, groundwater flow is influenced by other variables, such as the elevation of the water table and subsurface hydraulic conductivity, which can result in temporal variations in both magnitude and direction of flow. In this study, I investigated the temporal variability of groundwater flow in the soil zone (solum) within the critical zone of a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in North Woodstock, NH. Groundwater levels were continuously monitored throughout several seasons (March 2019 to Jan 2020) in a network of wells comprising three hillslope transects within the upper hillslopes of the catchment. Five clusters of three wells per cluster were screened from 0.18 – 1.1 m depth at the base of the solum. Water levels were also monitored in five deeper wells, screened from 2.4 - 6.9 m depth within glacial sediments of the C horizon. I conducted 47 slug tests across the well network to determine hydraulic properties of the aquifer materials surrounding each well. In addition, our team conducted a large-scale auger investigation mapping soil horizon depths and thicknesses. Results show that the magnitude of hydraulic gradients and subsurface hydrologic fluxes varied at each site with respect to changing water-table elevation, having a maximum range of 0.12 m/m and 9.19 x 10-6 m/s, respectively. The direction of groundwater flow had an arithmetic mean deviating from surface topography by 2-10 degrees, and a total range that deviated from surface topography by as much as 51 degrees. During lower water table regimes, groundwater flow direction deviated from the ground surface, but under higher water table regimes, in response to recharge events, flow direction mimicked surface topography. Within most of the well clusters, there is an observable connection between the slope direction of the top of the C horizon and the direction of groundwater flow during lower water table regimes. Slug test results show the interquartile range of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) within the C horizon (1.5×10-7 to 9.8×10-7 m/s) is two orders of magnitude lower than the interquartile range of Ksat values within the solum (2.9×10-5 to 5.2×10-5 m/s). Thus, the C horizon is on average a confining unit relative to the solum that may constrict groundwater flow below the solum. Additionally, results from the larger scale auger investigation suggest that deviations in subsurface topography of the C horizon may be generalizable at the larger hillslope scale. Overall, these results indicate that 1) shallow groundwater flow direction and magnitude within this headwater catchment are dynamic and can deviate from surface topography, and 2) the subsurface topography of the C horizon can influence groundwater flow direction. These results imply that temporal dynamics of groundwater flow direction and magnitude should be considered when characterizing subsurface flow in critical zone studies. Additionally, knowledge of subsurface topography of confining units may provide constraints on the temporal variability of groundwater flow direction.
- Watershed studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Building on a long legacy of research with new approaches and sources of dataCampbell, John L.; Rustad, Lindsey E.; Bailey, Scott W.; Bernhardt, Emily S.; Driscoll, Charles T.; Green, Mark B.; Groffman, Peter M.; Lovett, Gary M.; McDowell, William H.; McGuire, Kevin J.; Rosi, Emma J. (2021-01)The Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) was established in 1955 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service out of concerns about the effects of logging increasing flooding and erosion. To address this issue, within the HBEF hydrological and micrometeorological monitoring was initiated in small watersheds designated for harvesting experiments. The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (HBES) originated in 1963, with the idea of using the small watershed approach to study element fluxes and cycling and the response of forest ecosystems to disturbances, such as forest management practices and air pollution. Early evidence of acid rain was documented at the HBEF and research by scientists at the site helped shape acid rain mitigation policies. New lines of investigation at the HBEF have built on the long legacy of watershed research resulting in a shift from comparing inputs and outputs and quantifying pools and fluxes to a more mechanistic understanding of ecosystem processes within watersheds. For example, hydropedological studies have shed light on linkages between hydrologic flow paths and soil development that provide valuable perspective for managing forests and understanding stream water quality. New high frequency in situ stream chemistry sensors are providing insights about extreme events and diurnal patterns that were indiscernible with traditional weekly sampling. Additionally, tools are being developed for visual and auditory data exploration and discovery by a broad audience. Given the unprecedented environmental change that is occurring, data from the small watersheds at the HBEF are more relevant now than ever and will continue to serve as a basis for sound environmental decision-making.